RecycleCat: Radar Categorization for Recyclable Waste
RecycleCat was my final year dissertation project at the University of St Andrews. RecycleCat is a radar-based system which is able to classify 11 different types of recyclable waste. The system was integrated into a bin to demonstrate a new form of waste sorting in the household. The project was awarded a first class mark.
Internship projects
At Adimo I worked on developing a new analytics platform powered by ElasticSearch and written in C# and AngularJS. I also workled closely with the CTO developing a new tool built in Python that will help clients understand how their products are distributed around their operating region. Finally, I worked on a Telegram Bot for the sales team to use to quickly generate Adimo campaigns to show to prospecting clients, this was built in C#.
Society Ticketing
A tool for societies to use to generate tickets with QR codes and send them out. It also includes a QR code reader for the program to read generated tickets and verify that they are authentic tickets. You can find the project here.
Scattered Light Integrated Collector (SLIC)
A data analysis tool developed by myself and a fellow computer science student which collected and analysed data from the SLIC machine built by researchers at the University of St Andrews. Code is currently held by the School of Computer Science and the School of Medicine. More information about SLIC can be found here.
Enigma Machine
An enigmal machine built in Java using a Finite State Machine. This can be found on my Github.
Personal Website
This website was built using Github Pages and Jekyll. It uses the Minimal-Mistakes theme. The code for this website can be found on my Github.
University of St Andrews Table Tennis Club Website
This website was built using Github Pages and Jekyll. It uses the Minimal-Mistakes theme. You can take a look at it [here] ( The coded for the website can be found on Github.
Published University Code
First year code
CS1003 First year computer science module “Programming With Data” at the University of St Andrews
Second year code
CS2001: Second year computer science module “Foundations of Computation” at the University of St Andrews
CS2002: Second year computer science module “Computer Systems” at the University of St Andrews